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Native Landscape


Selecting and installing plants that are adaptable to site conditions & climate  require fewer resources and less maintenance to thrive. With your guidance and our expertise together we will design a landscape that enhances your home and enriches the environment.

Ask about how we can help transform your lawn into a native oasis with the LADWP Residential Turf Removal Rebate.


To learn more click below.

Vegetable Garden
Edible Landscape

Grow the foods you eat! Transform your space into a delicious feast. Let us help you create a long lasting relationship between you and your garden. Not only will we provide the tools to start the journey but we will educate you on how to maintain and sustain your garden's bounty.  


Pruning of fruit trees and ornamentals also offered. 

Plants in Boxes
Garden Skool

We invite you to join our workshops and activities for adults, children and school groups. Ask us about an upcoming event or invite us to join your program. We are eager to share our knowledge and love for all things about the garden. 

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